What happens if I want to change an assessment?
1) First check the wording in your Module specification document:
- It may be that the current phrasing means you don’t need to change anything.
- If you’re not sure, email Quality Assurance explaining the changes you want to make.
2) If you think you will need to amend the module assessment wording:
- Send an email to Quality Assurance outlining the changes you wish to make to your assessments.
The Quality Assurance team will:
a) Send feedback and advice.
b) Inform you whether your assessment amendment needs to go to an SAVP.
c) Inform you whether your assessment amendment can be signed off by Chair’s Action.
3) Send an email to your external examiner:
- This is so that they are aware of the changes.
- Ask for their feedback and approval of the assessment change.
If you need any further information about:
- Validations: Visit the Registry Validations Hub.
- Different assessment types as defined by the University Teaching and Learning Committee.
Visit Building Blocks of Programme Creation and Curriculum Development.
- Assessments: Visit the Registry website.