
UniTube logo

UniTube is Huddersfield University’s video streaming and digital signage service.

It has a plethora of useful educational videos already uploaded, including free-to-air TV programmes and films and videos created by other members of staff.

You can upload your own videos to it and your students can then access the videos from UniTube directly or through links that you embed within Brightspace.

UniTube offers security that is not afforded by other video streaming services, such as YouTube or Vimeo as students and staff alike need to log-on using their university credentials in order to view the videos. This allows you to keep tight control of your videos and ensure that they are only being accessed by authorised viewers. You can set who can access your videos, such as only allowing staff to view or anybody who is on campus.

Box of Broadcasts (also known as BoB) is an archive of free-to-air TV and radio programmes available to you through the University of Huddersfield Library subscription. You can choose to watch previously recorded programmes, request future programmes and save lists of programmes for your teaching or research.

We no longer request free-to-air programmes to be added to UniTube.

For further information, contact your Subject Librarian, library@hud.ac.uk

Using UniTube

Below are some resources that show how to use UniTube, click on the headers to expand it.