Creator +Case Studies

Colleagues who have used Creator+ share how they have used it to make their content more engaging and interactive.

If you have used Creator+ at the University and would like to share a case study, please contact

Case StudyElements UsedSummary
Andrea GaynorAccordions, Timelines, Click and Reveal, Flip Cards, Fill in the Blanks and HotspotsAn Academic Skills resource for HHS
Candace KaiserAccordions, Carousels, Drop-down Fill in the Blanks and LayoutsAn Academic Skills resource for HHS
Michelle HamletCallouts, Accordion, Flip CardsMaking the GPA modules more engaging
Paul ElliottFill in the BlanksKnowledge checking in Inorganic Chemistry
Steve BentleyAccordions, Callouts, Flip CardsAcademic Integrity and Huddersfield Essentials resources
Learning Bytes teamVarious layouts, elements and practicesAn Escape Room activity showcasing Creator+